Does Tesla have Check Engine light: what is the alternative?

As you know, indicators designed to check the performance of the engine are very important. They help to identify various errors, which guarantees driving safety. More about the presence of the Tesla Check Engine light will be discussed in this article.

Does Tesla have Check Engine lights: what is a Check Engine light?

Before proceeding to the study of the question, does Tesla has a Check Engine light, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the device itself.

A Check Engine light refers to warnings about errors in the operation of the engine or emission system.

The problem may be hidden in the catalytic converter, oxygen sensor, spark plugs, or other parts of the system. As soon as the system detects a problem in the operation of the motor, the Check Engine light will light up so that you can correct the problem in time.

The Check Engine light glows yellow or red. The color of the Check Engine light depends on the complexity of the issue.

Does Tesla have Check Engine lights: alternative motors in Tesla cars

Classic cars run on gas. But Tesla cars are electric. The first electric cars were created in the 17th century.

However, over the past few years, their popularity has increased significantly. After all, new models have appeared that have high torque, more power, and more attractive design.

They do not have a classic internal combustion engine. Instead, some batteries can be recharged.

Many call them electric car engines. However, it is better and more correct to call them electric motors. You need to use electricity to charge, not fuel from a gas station.

Does Tesla have Check Engine lights? How do Tesla engines work?

Now it makes sense to understand the principle of operation of Tesla engines. This makes it possible to understand why they do not have an indicator Check Engine light.

The presence of an induction motor

All electric cars from Tesla are equipped with an asynchronous motor, which was developed by Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago. It consists of a stator and a rotor.

The rotor has conductive rods, in which the edges are closed. The stator has a power input that transfers power to the coil using electrical currents.

This creates a rotating magnetic field. It is due to this that the rotor rods begin to rotate. To adjust the speed of the vehicle, the strength of the magnetic field is changed, as well as the frequency of the AC source.

This makes electric motors more modern when compared to gasoline and diesel engines. After all, asynchronous motors can operate at high speed, which varies from 0 to 18 thousand revolutions per minute.

The presence of a battery

Tesla electric cars have batteries that power an induction motor. The currents are constant and uncontrollable. Therefore, the electric motor has a power inverter that converts them into alternating current and releases them in the right amount.

After the generated power is supplied to the wheels of the vehicle. To do this, there is a system with one transmission.

Due to this, the vehicle starts to move. Damage to one of the components is not normal. In such cases, electric cars do not start or move. That is why the Check Engine light is not required.

Is there a Check Engine light for electric motors?

Tesla cars are different from classic vehicles that run on gasoline or gas. Therefore, they do not have a Check Engine light. However, Tesla warning alerts show the driver if there is a problem as the traditional Check Engine light.

Tesla vehicles have a special touch screen that will display warning messages. Some car models are compatible with applications that are installed on the phone.

Therefore, you can independently check the status of the car, as well as receive error notifications.

That is, there is an onboard diagnostic system that works thanks to sensors. They are the ones that monitor speed, battery level, and tire pressure.

Indicator lights in Tesla electric cars

Instead of a Check Engine light, there are special lamps that notify the motorist that there is a problem.

They won’t light up until there is a real issue with the electric cars. But indicators like the Check Engine light in other cars can glow even in the event of a minor breakdown.

Disabling a warning light in Tesla electric cars

As soon as you fix the breakdown, the warning light that is on the dashboard will go out. However, this may not always happen. You can deal with disabling them yourself, or call the master.

If you decide to do the work yourself, you should have an OBD2 scanner with you.

Disabling methods may vary depending on which model of the car you are using. You should also consider the type of Tesla warning signs.

What kind of indicator lights does Tesla have?

If some of the internal components of the car are inoperable, the dashboard or touch screen will glow. This helps identify the problem and fix it. There are several options for the warning light, which will be discussed below.

Brake indicator lights

Some Tesla electric cars can display a red exclamation mark. This indicates that there is a problem with the braking system.

When you turn on the electric vehicle, the sensor lights up and immediately goes out. If it is constantly on, you should check the operation of the brakes for your safety.

It may need a full repair, or it may be enough to replenish the volume of the brake fluid. Brake fluid must be topped up after contacting Tesla.

If you have experience with similar work, you can do everything yourself. This saves time and money.

High beam indicator lamp

If the machine detects high-beam headlights ahead, a special lamp starts to glow.

After 2-3 seconds, the light is gray, and the vehicle automatically switches to low beam mode. If such a lamp is lit, then the car is working normally, and there is no reason to panic.

ESC indicator lights

If an ESC warning light on the dashboard begins to glow which resembles a slippery road, it means that the vehicle stability control system has started.

The flashing of the lamp indicates that the car is trying to gain stability on a slippery road.

If the lamp is constantly on, then there is a stability problem. Therefore, you should contact the Tesla service center to adjust everything.

TCS indicator lights

Almost all vehicles from Tesla have a traction control system. It helps prevent wheel slip. If the system itself is permanently active, the warning light will only come on if the system is switched off.

The TCS warning light should glow while driving on rough roads, mud, or snow. It should also be active if you fall into a hole. If the lamp does not glow, then the vehicle cannot accelerate because the traction system has been launched.

In this case, you need to inspect the internal components of the electric car and take care of its maintenance.

“Snowflake” warning light

On the dashboard, you can often notice that a blue snowflake glows. This indicates that it is very cold outside, so the vehicle cannot use all the energy it has stored. As soon as the battery warms up, the icon will disappear.

If the light starts to glow in a place where you cannot stop, you need to start the climate control system. This allows you to move on.

The main mistakes in Tesla cars and how to fix them

Given that Tesla vehicles are autonomous, you may encounter various warnings and errors. However, it is better to know right away what they mean to fix everything in time.

UI_a137 – activation service connection

When you bring the car to the service center for repair and diagnostics, the master will remotely connect to the vehicle. At this point, entertainment and information opportunities may be lost. However, you should not panic because nothing interferes with driving.

Once the diagnostics and repairs are completed, the error will disappear. After that, you will need to restart the screen so that all functionality of the vehicle is restored. If after a day the warning light does not disappear, you will need to sign up for service through the Tesla application, which is installed on the phone.

UMC_a002 – inability to charge

If you receive this error, then the vehicle is not charging due to the ground fault circuit breaker tripping. Because of this, the flow of electrical energy will be blocked. This happens if there are problems with charging protection.

The cause may lie in the problem with the onboard components of the vehicle, cable, charging handle, or port. Therefore, first, you need to look for moisture on the port or charging handle. If a lot of moisture has accumulated, dry the parts and try charging again.

It is important to check charging equipment for damage. If the cable is worn or damaged, you should change the charger. If your existing chargers are not working, try using the Destination Charger or Tesla Supercharger. You can find them on the map that is displayed on the auto-screen.

VCFRONT_a180 – low-power electrical system

This error indicates that the electrical system is not able to provide voltage support that keeps the car running. This is fraught with a sharp shutdown of the car. You can try to restart the machine by doing a hard or soft reset.

If this does not give the desired result, then the level of electrical energy is too low. Therefore, you should disable the auto-functions that you do not use. This allows you to get enough power to start the main functions. If the problem persists, the machine should be sent in for service.

VCFRONT_a478 – the need for battery maintenance

This indicates that the low-voltage battery service cannot provide enough power to start the car. If an error occurs during the journey, you should stop. The car may suddenly turn off and not restart. Some functions will be blocked.

This is necessary to preserve the energy of the main functions until it is repaired. You need to urgently send the car to the service center.

DI_a201 – regenerative braking reduction

Due to this error, braking will be quite long. Often it appears if the battery is almost fully charged, or it is cooling. Regenerative braking is reduced if the battery is not fully warmed up. This happens in cold weather.

You should start the car so that the charge level returns to normal and the battery warms up. You don’t have to worry about this error.


During the operation of Tesla machines, several questions may arise.

Do electric vehicles have a Check Engine light?

Electric machines do not have a motor, so there is no need for a Check Engine light.

How reliable is the Tesla engine?

On average, Tesla cars can have up to 176 mechanical failures. This is a pretty big figure.

Does Tesla have engine sounds?

Almost all Tesla cars have silent motors. Therefore, electric vehicles are supplemented with fake sounds to make the car easier to hear on the road. Sounds are fed through the speaker, which is located in the outer part of the front bumper.

Is Check Engine light usually serious?

Check Engine light helps to identify the problem that needs to be addressed. Therefore, you need to send the car to a service center, where specialists will carry out all the necessary diagnostics and fix the issues.


As you can see, Tesla cars do not have a Check Engine light. Instead of the Check Engine light, many sensors will notify you of errors and malfunctions. You can be sure of your safety even without a traditional Check Engine light in electric cars.

Read also: How to clean Tesla white seats: useful tips and ways

Cameron Mason

I have been fond of cars since childhood. I have always been interested in knowing the principle of their work, as well as the structure. Therefore, I liked to help my father dismantle cars and fix them. Then I went to college with a degree in mechanical engineering. After all, I decided to connect my life with cars.

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